Report:- Report is a written or spoken description of what you have seen, heard, done, studied, etc. (Noun meaning)
Let's write some reports:-
Visit to a Village
I visited a village on the outskirts of Delhi. It's name is Nangal. There are kuccha roads in the village. The people in the village do farming. The men wake up early in the morning and go to fields after having breakfast. The women usually stay at home and take care of the children. They also keep cows and buffaloes and sell their milk. I also visited the fields and saw a number of fruits and vegetables growing there. It was an amazing experience!
Our class go to see the Republic Day Parade. We assemble at our school at 6 AM. Our class teacher counted the number of students present. We board the bus and got down on the venue. The parade is very interesting. We enjoy a lot. I liked the air-show the most. I hope I get chance to see it again.
A Republic Day Parade
Our class went to see the Republic Day Parade. We assembled at our school at 6 AM. Our class teacher counted the number of students present. We boarded the bus and got down on the venue. The parade was very interesting. We enjoyed a lot. I liked the air-show the most. I hope I get the chance to see it again.
Visit to a Museum
Museum is a building where collections of valuable and interesting objects are kept and shown to the public. I had a chance to visit to Odisha State museum with my uncle and aunt. It is the biggest museum in Odisha. The museum is divided into eleven sections : Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Armoury, Mining & Geology, Natural History, Art & Craft, Contemporary Art, Patta Painting, Anthropology and Palmleaf Manuscripts. Opening timing is 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM all days of the week except Monday. We reached there at 10:30 AM. We saw different items in different sections. A statue of Buddha was there in the archaeology section. I liked that very much. It amused me a lot to visit the museum with my uncle and aunt.
An IPL Match With my Father
Celebration of Independence Day flying kites
Independence Day is being celebrated on 15th of August every year. The people in North India celebrate the day by flying kites of different colours and sizes. We also celebrated the day by flying kites in the last year. That was a normal day. There was no so sunny or cloudy weather that day. I fly kites with my family and friends. There were approximately 100-120 kites in the sky. The atmosphere was cool and kites were flying. The red-coloured kite was the most common kite which was being flown by most of the people.
In groups of four, write a report on different brands of ice-cream available in your area. You may use the following clues.
(i) Start with a short introduction which contains the topic.
(ii) Then list the ice-cream brands available in your area.
(iii) Next, say which are the common flavours of ice-cream in each of the brands.
(iv) Under each brand, find out which flavours are being sold the most. Also find out their prices.
(v) Finally, write which do you think is the most popular ice-cream.
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