Tuesday, May 3, 2022




Elephant :-

-        Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth.

-        An adult elephant can eat more than 100 kilograms of leaves and twigs in one day.

-        Elephants do not rest very much. They sleep for only two to four hours in a day.

-        Elephants love to play with mud and water. The mud keeps their skin cool.

-        Their big ears also work like fans. The elephants flap these to keep themselves cool.

-        A baby elephant of three months old, weighs 200 kilograms.

Fun and games of elephants :-

- Elephants love to play in water and mud.

- When baby elephants play, they pull each other's tails.

Herd of elephants :-

-        Elephants move around in groups called herds.

-        Animals in herds usually move around together, searching for food.

-        Elephants help each other when in trouble. They join together to care for and rescue their young ones.

-        An elephant herd has mainly females and baby elephants.

-        The oldest female is the leader of the herd.

-        A herd may have 10 to 12 female elephants and young ones.

-        Male elephants live in the herd till they are 14–15 years old. Then they leave their herd and move around alone.

Animals ill-treated by humans :-

a)   Snakes – Snake charmers keep the snakes in baskets. The snakes forget their natural habitat i.e the open jungle and can’t get fresh air inside the baskets.

b)   Bears – Circus master uses them in circus for dancing and jumping through rings of fire. But they don’t enjoy the claps of us. If they do not dance they will not provided food and get beaten by the circus master.

c)    Horses – Humans use them for riding. They get so much pain when we fix the horseshoes to their hooves.

d)   Monkeys - We make them dance and dance and dance. Even if they don’t want to dance, we make them dance. Sometimes they are forced to dance in empty stomach.



1.    An adult elephant can eat more than 100 kg of leaves and twigs.

2.    Animals should always be put in jungle.

3.    Elephants are herbivorous animal.

4.    Elephants love to play with mud and water.

5.    The mud keeps their skin cool.

6.    Male elephant live in the herd till they are 14-15 years old.

7.    Elephants do not rest much. They sleep for 2 to 4 hours.

8.    A three months old baby elephant weighs around 200 kilograms.

9.    The oldest female is the leader of the herd of the elephants.

10.   Monkey, bear and snake are three animals used by man for their entertainment.

11.  Mother’s mother is called nani ma.



(babies, useful, care of, female elephants, 100 kg, female, 14-15 years old, the legs and trunks, the open jungle, bears, monkeys, tails)

(i) Male elephants stay in the herd till they are 14-15 years.

(ii) The grey forest that Nandu imagined he was in, was actually the legs and trunks of his family members.

(iii) Living only in a basket the snake has forgotten what it is like in the open jungle and fresh air.

(iv) For entertainment, humans use three animals: bears, monkeys and snakes.

(v) When baby elephants play, they pull each other's tails.

(vi) An elephant herd has only female elephants with their babies.

(vii) The oldest female is the leader of the elephant herd.

(viii) An adult elephant can eat more than 100 kg of food in one day.

(ix) Elephant are useful animals and should be taken care of .

C. Match the animal groups to their herd names:-

D. Match the animals with their activities :-

E. Match the animals with their sayings :-

F. Identify the animals on the basis of their sounds::-

Sounds                                              Animals

(i) Buzz                                                   bees

(ii) Chirp                                                grasshoppers

(iii) Squeak                                            mouse

(iv) Bleat                                               sheep, goat, calf

(v)  Hoo                                                  owls

(vi) Chatter                                           monkeys

(vii) Bray                                                 donkeys

(viii) Quack                                            ducks

G. Unscramble the names of the animals given in the jumbled form :-

(i) Largest water animal Blue Whale (LUBE HAWLE)

(ii) Fastest running animal Cheetah (TEHCEHA)

(iii) Fastest flightless running bird Ostrich (RSOTICH)

(iv) Largest land animal African elephant (CARIANF PHNTAEEL)

H. Select the best option (MCQs) :-

i) Elephants sleep for .......... day

(a) most of the                          (b) 4 to 6 hours in a

(c) 12 to 16 hours in a             (d) 2 to 4 hours in a

ANS- (d) 2 to 4 hours in a   

(ii) A normal 3-month old baby elephant may weight about

(a) 10 kg               (b) 50 kg        (c) 200 kg       (d) none of these

ANS- (c) 200 kg

(iii) Who complains that they have to dance on an empty stomach?

(a) The monkeys      (b) The bears      (c) Nandu        (d) the horses

ANS- (a) The monkeys

(iv) Elephants move around in groups called

(a) colonies         (b) herds      (c) swarms    (d) none of these

ANS- (b) herds

(v) Adult elephants eat

(a) meat and eggs                         (b) sugar and grain

(c) forest fruits                              (d) twigs and leaves

ANS- (d) twigs and leaves

I. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements:-

(i) People specially call pigeons to feed them with grain. True

(ii) Children don't like cats. False

(iii) When horseshoe are fixed to a horse's hooves, the horse loves it. False

(iv) The oldest male is the leader of a herd of elephants. False

(v) Elephants lie in the mud to cool their bodies. True

(vi) Nandu is a small bull elephant. True

(vii) Elephants sleep for eight to ten hours in a day. False

(viii) Only elephants live in a herd. False

(ix) The weight of a baby elephant is about 200 kg. True

(x) Elephants love to play in water and mud. True


1. How old was Nandu? How much did he weigh?

- Nandu was only one day old. His weight is 200 kg.

2. Is Nandu a male or female elephant?

- Nandu is a male elephant.

 3. Why do the animals move in groups? Or Why is it important for elephants to live in herds?

-        Animals move in groups / live in herds to eat, to play and to avoid getting caught by the dangerous animals. They help each other when in trouble. They join together to care for and rescue their young ones.

4. How many elephants are there in a herd?

- A herd may have 10 to 12 female elephant and their young ones.

5. What did Nandu’s herd do when they reached the jungle?

- When the herd reached the jungle, they spread out to eat their favourite leaves and twigs.

6. How do the elephants’ ears help them cool?

- Elephants have big ears that work like fans and help to keep them cool. They flap their ears.

7. Why do elephants keep flapping their ears?

- Elephants have big ears that work like fans and help to keep them cool. So they flap their ears.

8. What sound does an elephant make?

- Elephants make a sound known as trumpet.

9. Why does a herd of elephants spread out in a forest?

-        A herd of elephants spread out in a forest to eat their favourite leaves and twigs.

10. Draw a picture of an elephant, name different body parts and write their uses.

  • Ears - work like fans and help to keep them cool.
  • Trunk – It’s the long nose of elephant used for smelling, breathing, trumpeting, drinking and also for grabbing things like twigs and leaves.
  • Tusks – help them in digging, lifting objects, gathering foods, stripping bark from trees to eat and in defence.
  • Tail – weapons against pests. (defence purpose)
  • Eyes - help to see.
  • Legs - help to move from one place to other.

11. Colour the picture given below and write few sentences on it using the key words given:

-        Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth.

-        Elephants make a sound known as trumpet.

-        The largest male elephants can weigh up to 15,000 pounds (6,800 kilograms).

-        Elephants are herbivorous animals.

-        An adult elephant can eat more than 100 kilograms of leaves and twigs in one day.

-        Elephants move around in groups called herds. They usually move around together, searching for food.

-        Elephants help each other when in trouble. They join together to care for and rescue their young ones.

-        Elephants love to play with mud and water. The mud keeps their skin cool.

-        Their big ears also work like fans. The elephants flap these to keep themselves cool.

12. Why is the cat happier than the horse, the bear, or the monkey?

- The cat is happier because it can roam around everywhere. Children love cats a lot. They pat cats and also give them milk. In the opposite the horse, the bear, or the monkey are being ill-treated by humans.

13. Elephants use two methods to keep their bodies cool. Describe these methods in one sentence each.

-        Elephants love to play with mud and water that keeps their skin cool.

-        The elephants flap their fan like big ears to keep themselves cool.

14. Nandu was a shy baby, but finally he played in the water with his cousins. Describe how this took place.

-        Nandu was afraid to go near his cousins as he was very small.

-        Amma gently pushed Nandu towards the water and told him to go and play.

-        Finally Nandu loved to play in the water with his cousins.

15. Briefly describe Nandu's day, listing his activities at the different times given below.

 (a) Just after he woke up?

- He blinked his eyes and looked around.

 (b) After Nani Ma trumpetted.

- Nandu started moving towards the jungle with his herd.

 (c) After the elephants had eaten

- He moved towards the river with his herd. He enjoyed playing in the water.

 (d) Just before sunset.

- He started back towards the jungle with the herd.

 (e)  What he did just before falling asleep?

- He settled himself between his mother’s front legs and drank her milk just before falling asleep.

16. How are elephants useful to man?

-        Elephants protect forests.

-        Elephants spread the seeds while roaming across the forest.

-        We ride on elephants.

-        We use them in circus.

-        We make different useful things using their tusks.

17.    How do the animals like snakes, bears, monkeys and horses are ill-treated by human beings.

a)   Snakes – Snake charmers keep the snakes in baskets. The snakes forget their natural habitat i.e the open jungle and can’t get fresh air inside the baskets.

b)   Bears – Circus master uses them in circus for dancing and jumping through rings of fire. But they don’t enjoy the claps of us. If they do not dance they will not provided food and get beaten by the circus master.

c)    Horses – Humans use them for riding. They get so much pain when we fix the horseshoes to their hooves.

d)   Monkeys - We make them dance and dance and dance. Even if they don’t want to dance, we make them dance. Sometimes they are forced to dance in empty stomach.

18. What do you do when you are with your group of friends?

-        I will play as much as I can and enjoy a lot with my friends. I draw and study for sometime.

19. Have you ever taken a ride on elephant? How did it feel?

-        Yes, I have taken a ride on elephant and I felt very happy.


Thursday, April 28, 2022





Ear :-

-        Ear is the organ that enables hearing means help us to hear. In mammals, it helps in body balance.

-        In mammals, the ear is usually has three parts—the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear.

-        Different animals have different kinds of ears.

1.    An animals with ears like fans : Elephant

2.    An animals with ears like leaves : Rabbit

3.    An animals with ears on the top of its head : Rabbit

4.    An animals with ears on both sides of its head : Dog

5.    An animal with sharp and pointed ears : cat

      -  Women like to decorate their ears with ear rings.

Visible ears and Invisible ears :-

-        Animals whose ears we can see, have visible/external/outer ears. Example – deer, tiger, pig, buffalo, giraffe, elephant, cat, dog, cow, goat, lion, donkey, horse, rabbit, monkey, man etc.

-        Some animal’s ears cannot be seen from outside, they have invisible/internal/inner ears.
Example – birds (parrot, crow, cuckoo, sparrow, duck, hen, duck etc.), insects (butterfly, mosquito, lizard etc.), frog, snake, fish etc.

A bird’s ear :-

-        We can’t see a bird’s ears. Because birds have invisible ears.

-        They have tiny holes on both sides of their heads.

-        The holes are covered with feathers.

-        They help the bird to hear.

Ears in lizards :-

-        Lizards have tiny holes like birds.

-        These are their ears.

Ears in crocodile :-

-        Crocodiles also have invisible ears like birds and lizards.

Animals having hair on their skin :-

-        The different patterns on the animals are due to the hair on their skin.

-        If an animal did not have any hair on its skin, there would be no patterns.

-        Those animals whose ears we can see, have hair on their body.

1.    Hair on skin – fox, pig, mouse, cow, cat, camel, buffalo, elephant etc.

2.    Feathers on skin – hen, crow, sparrow, peacock, pigeon, duck etc.

Oviparous animals and viviparous animals :-

Oviparous or Egg laying animals :-

-        The animals who lay eggs are called oviparous or egg laying animals.

-        Those animals that do not have ears on the outside and do not have hair on their body, lay eggs.

-        Example – hen, peacock, crow, cuckoo, duck, frog, sparrow, lizard etc.

Viviparous or Birth giving animals :-

-        The animals who give birth to young one are called viviparous or birth giving animals.

-        Those animals whose ears we can see and have hair on their body, give birth to young ones.

-        Example – human beings, mouse, elephant, cat, cow, dog, pig, buffalo, horse, monkey etc.

Ovo-viviparous animals:-

-        Ovoviviparous animals produce eggs, but instead of laying them, the eggs develop and hatch inside the mother's body and remain there for a time.

-        Example - sharks, rays, snakes, fishes, and insects

National Park:-

-        National park is an area set aside by a national government for the preservation of the natural environment.

-        There are 106 existing national parks in India.

-        Some of those are

  • Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand.
  • Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan.
  • Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Dachigam National Park, Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Gir National Park, Gujarat.



(head, ears, love, leaves, Dodo, attention, tiny holes, feathers, no hair, patterns, visible/external/outer)

1.    Usually we cannot see the holes used for hearing by a bird because they are covered by feathers.

2.    If an animal does not have outer hair, it will not have any patterns on its skin.

3.    Crocodiles and lizards hear by tiny holes on the sides of their heads.

4.    All animals that give birth to their young ones have visible/outer/external ears.

5.    Animals not having visible ears can be recognised by having no hair on their body.

6.    The lizards have tiny holes on their heads which are their ears.

7.    A buffalo has ears like leaves.

8.    A human being has ears on both sides of his head.

9.    Our pet needs our love and attention.

10.         Dodo is an extinct bird.

B. Match the type of pattern in Column A with the animal in Column B by drawing arrows :-

Column A                                                                         Column B

(i) Black stripes on white skin          -------                    (a) Zebra

(ii) Black stripes on yellow-brown skin    --------          (b) tiger

(iii) Black spots on yellow-brown skin      ---------        (c) leopard

(iv) White spots on yellow-brown skin  ----------           (d) deer

C. Complete this analogy :-

      i.          Fan-like ear : elephant :: leave-like ear : rabbit

    ii.          Cow : visible/external/outer ear :: Butterfly : invisible/internal/inner ear

  iii.          Lizard : invisible/internal/inner ear :: snake : invisible/internal/inner ear

  iv.          Hair on skin : Cow :: Feathers on skin : Hen

    v.          Peacock : Oviparous :: Mouse: Viviparous


a)   An animal that looks like a little dinosaur- Lizard

b)   Our National Animal- Tiger

c)    Our national bird - Peacock

d)   Animals give birth to young ones- Uttarakhand

e)   Animals which lay eggs- Kerela

f)     Animals which give us wool – Sheep

E. Tick the correct option:-

a) We (can/cannot) see the ears of a bird.

b)   An elephant (lay eggs/gives birth to their ones).

c)    The different patterns found on (animals/birds) body are due to the hair on their skin.

d)   The (Lion/Tiger) is our national animal.

e)   The animals whose ears (can/cannot) be seen from outside, (have/have no) hair on their bodies, (lay eggs/give birth to their young ones.

Or, The animals whose ears (can/cannot) be seen from outside, (have/have no) hair on their bodies, (lay eggs/give birth to their young ones.

F. Select the best option (MCQs) :-

i) Which of the following animals has tiny holes on both sides of the head to hear?

(a) giraffe  

(b) crow

(c) tiger

(d) donkey

ANS- (b) crow   

(ii) The .......... Has ears like fans.

(a) elephant                  

(b) monkey

(c) whale

(d) hen

ANS- (a) elephant

(iii) The donkey has ears

(a) which cannot be seen               (b) on the top of its head

(c) on the sides of its head              (d) Both (a) and (c)

ANS- (b) on the top of its head

(iv) The patterns by which animals may be recognised are due to

(a) colour of their skin           (b) hair on their skin

(c) feel of their skin                (d) Both (a) and (c)

ANS- (b) hair on their skin

(v) Now where do we see dinosaurs?

(a) Only in forests                          (b) Only in the zoo

(c) In films and pictures                (d) None of these

ANS- (c) In films and pictures

G. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements:-

A.   Our national animal is peacock. False

B.   A fish has ears but we cannot see it. True

C.   Buffaloes and cows have hair on their bodies. True

D.   Sheep do not have hair on their bodies. False

E.    Squirrel lays eggs. False

F.    We can see the ears of a crocodile. False

G.  All animals have ears. True

H.   The number of tigers in India is decreasing day by day. True

I.      Dinosaurs are extinct from the earth. True

J.     A frog gives birth to babies and a monkey lays eggs. False


1. What are the differences between visible and invisible ear?


Visible ear

Invisible ear

Animals whose ears we can see, have visible ears.

Some animal’s ears cannot be seen from outside, they have invisible ears.

These are also called external/outer ear.

These are also called internal/inner ear.

It has 3 parts; the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear.

It has only inner portion.

Example – deer, tiger, pig, buffalo, giraffe, elephant, cat, dog, cow, goat, lion, donkey, horse, rabbit, monkey, man etc.

Example – birds (parrot, crow, cuckoo, sparrow, duck, hen, duck etc.), insects (butterfly, mosquito, lizard etc.), frog, snake, fish etc.


 2. What are the differences between oviparous and viviparous animals?

Oviparous animals

Viviparous animals

The animals who lay eggs are called oviparous animals.

The animals who give birth to young one are called viviparous animals.

Those animals that do not have ears on the outside and do not have hair on their body, lay eggs.

Those animals whose ears we can see and have hair on their body, give birth to young ones.

They are also called egg laying animals.

They are also called birth giving animals.

They don’t feed milk to their young ones.

They feed milk to their young ones.

Example – hen, peacock, crow, cuckoo, duck, frog, sparrow, lizard etc.

Example – human beings, mouse, elephant, cat, cow, dog, pig, buffalo, horse, monkey etc.

3. Why do animals have different patterns on their body?

-         The different patterns on the animals are due to the hair on their skin.

-        If an animal did not have any hair on its skin, there would be no patterns.

4. Draw our national bird and write its name.


- Peacock

5. Name four ‘National Parks’ of our country.

  •  Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand.
  • Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan.
  • Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Dachigam National Park, Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Gir National Park, Gujarat.
  • The Great Himalayan National Park, Himachal Pradesh.

6. Name two animals which give birth to babies.

- elephant, cat, cow, dog, pig, buffalo, horse, monkey etc.

7. Name any two animals which have ears on the sides of their head.

- tiger, dog, cat.

8. How does a snake hear?

- Snakes lack both an outer ear and middle ear. However, they have one middle ear bone that connects the inner ear to the jaw. This enables snakes to hear vibrations, such as a predator creeping closer on the forest floor.

9. What is the reason that animals can be recognised by their skin?

-        The different patterns on the animals are due to the hair on their skin.

-        Animals can be easily recognised by the patterns on their skins.

-         Example- zebra has black stripes on its white skin. Tiger has black stripes on yellow-brown skin.

10. How do birds hear?

-        We can’t see a bird’s ears. Because birds have invisible ears.

-        They have tiny holes on both sides of their heads.

-        The holes are covered with feathers.

-        They help the bird to hear.

11.         How do lizards or crocodiles hear?

-        They have tiny holes on both sides of their heads like the birds.

-        These holes are their inner ears that help them in hearing.

12. Animals not having ears can still hear. How?

-        They have tiny holes on both sides of their heads. They help them in hearing.

13. Explain the similarities and differences between a bird and cow regarding their bodies. How do they give birth to their babies?

-        Both bird and cow are warm blooded animals means they can maintain their body temperature with respect to their surroundings.

-        A bird is smaller as compare to a cow. Bird has invisible ears, whereas cow has visible ears.

-        Bird lays eggs while cow gives birth to young ones.

14. Which is our national animal? Why its number is being decreased day by day?

-        Tiger is our national animal.

-        The number of tigers is going down in India because of several causes. Some of the causes are given here:

(a) People hunt them for their bones and skin.

(b) Because of deforestation, forests are disappearing which reduces their natural habitat.